USCIS Announces Policies to Better Protect SIJS Backlogged Youth
Yesterday, the Biden Administration announced long-awaited regulations and policy that will ensure clarity and protection for immigrant youth who are recipients of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), protection created by Congress for abused, abandoned, or neglected immigrant children who are seeking lawful permanent residence and eventually citizenship. Despite the protection of SIJS, thousands of young people have been stuck in limbo for years in an administrative backlog, undermining their pathways to permanent residence and making them vulnerable to deportation and other harms.
This new policy will provide SIJS youth deferred action, on a case by case basis, by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for up to four years if granted. Although there is much work to be done, we are glad that immigrant youth can finally pursue their dreams, gain independence, and contribute to their communities without the fear of deportation. We thank our community partners and our Legal Services Center staff for their dedication and hard work in making sure this backlog does not go unnoticed. We thank the Biden Administration for taking action.
“While vital, these changes do not solve the visa backlog for special immigrant juveniles, who are not closer to obtaining their green cards and the legal permanency that status provides. We are glad the Biden administration has heard the calls from impacted youth and advocates and has stepped in to mitigate some of the worst harms of the backlog by providing work permits and protection from deportation through this policy. However, Congress now holds the responsibility of moving swiftly to pass legislation that will end the backlog entirely, and we look forward to working alongside them to make that a reality,” states Rachel Davidson, The Door's Managing Attorney of Policy and Special Projects.
#Ultimasnoticias: Ayer, La Administración Biden anunció las tan esperadas regulaciones que garantizarán la protección de los jóvenes inmigrantes beneficiarios del Estatus Especial de Inmigrante Juvenil (SIJS), una protección creada por el Congreso para los niños/jovenes inmigrantes que buscan la residencia permanente y eventualmente la ciudadanía. A pesar de la protección de SIJS, miles de jóvenes han estado atrapados en el limbo durante años debido a un retraso administrativo, muchos de los cuales no pueden regresar de manera segura a sus países de origen. Esta nueva regulación brindara acción diferida para jóvenes con SIJS por parte de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) por hasta cuatro años si se concede.
Aunque queda mucho trabajo por hacer, nos alegra que los jóvenes inmigrantes puedan seguir logrando sus sueños, ganando independencia y contribuyendo en sus comunidades sin temor a la deportación. Agradecemos a nuestros socios comunitarios y al personal del Centro de Servicios Legales por su dedicación y destacado labor para asegurarse de que este retraso no pase desapercibido.